Health and Safety

The most important thing for us is that our staff operate in a safe working environment.

We clearly understand that good health and safety (H&S) is fundamental to operating a good business. To have a safe workplace is the number one rule in our company.

Our long-term goal is zero LTI (Lost Time Injury). A LTI is defined as an occurrence that resulted in a fatality, permanent disability or time lost from work of one day/shift or more. That means our goal is to eliminate all serious workplace injuries across the company.

Induction Training Program

The Induction Training Program forms a pivotal part in Health & Safety process. Every new team member undertakes a rigorous safety induction program. There is a great deal of information a new team member has to take on board within their induction program.


Hazard Management

Hazards will always exist in the workplace and people need to respect the environment they are in. The key steps in managing health and safety are to identify hazards, then control and manage them. Using a systematic approach, we can identify and manage hazards so people are not harmed in the course of their work.

  1. Identification
  2. Risk Assessment
  3. Controls
  4. Monitor & Review
Periodic Auditing

Auditing is a critical part of our routine H&S practice to meet our zero LTI commitment.Define LTI